Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Waterfront Magazine

An illustration for an article on night walking by Dixie Wills for Waterfront Magazine published by The Canal & River Trust. A beautiful magazine and a very persuasive argument for night walking in the Sussex countryside.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Some printing shots making an illustration for Waterfront magazine.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Personal work

Working on some new personal work, a little more abstract but still based in natural landscapes. This is titled moon landscape as it's inspired by my research into the Chinese mythology surrounding the moon festival. 

Delayed Gratification

The current issue of DG with my illustrations for a feature on lobbying.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Ernest Journal

New illustrations for Ernest Journal, these are based on the writing of J.A.Baker's "The Peregrine".
Made in a combination of woodcut and linocut.

hot blogs

DG have kindly written one of their blog post on me and my linocut process, read it here!

some new illustrations for DG

Some new illustrations for the latest issue of Delayed Gratification out now.
These are for an article called 'Under the influence' by the talented Loes Witschge, which talks about the shady world of lobbing and influencing government. Very well written and an interesting insight into our political system and what we call democracy. 
The first image is based on lobbyist Chis' idea that they have to plan meetings like military raids, essentially implanting the idea in the politician's head. The second image a hypnotist lobbyist. The third, forth and fifth are spot illustrations, one based on one of the lobbyists enjoying the shock factor of introducing himself as a lobbyist, one based on the exchange of money between lobbyists and politicians for their support in parliament, and finally an image base on the quote "As much as the ballot box is important, someone can walk through a door and achieve more in a one hour meeting than all the grassroots political work can in a lifetime."

Monday, 11 April 2016


A little illustration for Firewords Quarterly, to go with a poem called 'Rusted plough at Guirdil, Isle of Rum'.